Florida Gulf Coast Vascular Access Network


My Line is My Life Line CANCELLED!

  • 30 Mar 2020
  • 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
  • St. Joseph's Hospital MAB 2/3/4, 3001 W Dr Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Tampa, FL 33614


  • Must be current
  • non-licensed

Please come to hear Swapna Kakani speak!

For 30 years, Swapna has had multiple central venous access devices (CVAD), and has received healthcare from multiple institutions across the U.S. She will share her inspirational medical journey highlighting the patient perspective of vascular access and the impact of her advocacy to keep her line, clean, safe, and secure. Swapna will empower clinical care providers to be champions at every access point and to partner with the patient as a team member of their care.

  • Objectives:

  • 1)     To describe the medical journey of an individual with Short Bowel Syndrome
  • 2)     Discuss gaps in vascular access care
  • 3)     Empower clinical care providers to be advocates for the vascular access patient 
  • 4)     Illustrate successful partnerships between patient and clinical care providers resulting in improved line care


"For me it is my life, for you it is your job."

Sponsored by GulfVAN

CE Broker Tracking #: 20-760142

* Swapna Kakani is a sought-after professional speaker in the area of overcoming personal adversity, advocate in the area of healthcare delivery and the patient experience. Her inspirational life story shows audiences her individual resilience and self-determination in the face of constant difficulties, as well as the impact her healthcare advocacy has across disciplines. Swapna through her platform, Swapna Speaks, has given several presentations across the world to various healthcare companies and associations, hospitals, and non-profit events, including the AVA and NHIA conferences, the Cleveland Clinic Patient Experience Summit, and a TEDx talk in 2017. Swapna, does healthcare advocacy work both at the federal and state level for the Short Bowel Syndrome/Small Intestine Transplant and broader rare disease community. She has been part of various projects to improve care and maintenance for IV and enteral nutrition consumers and part of policy and regulation changes to improve the rare disease patient experience. In 2017, she founded and now directs Alabama Rare, a grassroots coalition to unite the state around the rare disease population. It acts to bring support for individuals & families, educate the broader community, bring awareness to the population’s needs, and advocate for necessary change. In March 2019, Swapna was awarded the consumer advocacy award by the American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition, and last July, was nominated by Wego Health as a patient leader hero.

Swapna, originally from Huntsville, AL, received her bachelors in Psychology from the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) in 2013 and currently lives in Birmingham, AL where she is pursuing a Masters in Public Health at UAB. 

Copyright 2013 GulfVAN

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