Florida Gulf Coast Vascular Access Network


Vascular Access Summit- Rising to the Occasion

  • 20 May 2023
  • 7:45 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Tampa General Hospital-People's Development Institute building, 39 Columbia Drive, Tampa 33606


  • You must be current in your GulfVAN membership!
    Anytime AFTER April 1st, 2023
    Registration is refundable up to 5 days before event
  • You are not currently a member of GulfVAN but wish to attend the meeting
    For registration AFTER April 1st, 2023
    Registration is refundable up to 5 days before event
  • You are attending nursing school and DO NOT currently hold a nursing license (RN or LPN)
    $25 is refundable up to 5 days before event

Registration is closed

Please join us for our all-day seminar titled

Rising to the Occasion

Speaker line up:

1. Axillary, Subclavian, and Internal Jugular Venous Valves: A Common Obstacle in PICC and CVC Placement

Wayne Teipen, BSN, RN, VA-BC

Sponsor: GulfVAN

2. Patient Safety and Ultrasound Guided PIV Insertions: Need for Standardization

Nancy Moureau, PhD, RN, CRNI, VA-BC, CPUI

Sponsor: Parker Labs

3. Kidney Considerations for the Vascular Access Specialist

Mike Serle, DMSc, MS, PA-C

Sponsor: GulfVAN

4. The Identification and Mitigation of False-positive CLABSIs

Tammy Johnson, RN, BS, CPM

Sponsor: Magnolia Medical

5. Hospital Onset Bacteremia: Is Peripheral Intravenous Catheter Insertion a Source?

Matt Gibson, RN, CRNI, VA-BC, CPUI

Sponsor: CIVCO

6. Quality Improvement in Vascular Access: the Relationship between Insertion and Care and Maintenance

Jack LaDonne, MD, FACS, VA-BC

Sponsor: JNJ

6 CEUs will be awarded at the end of the seminar

CE Broker tracking #20-1042848

Come sit in German's massage chair while you learn!

Rise to the Occasion definition: "The special effort that is required to successfully deal with a difficult situation." We believe our nurses have been rising to the occasion for the past three years more than ever before. GulfVAN plans to celebrate YOU during this event! We will have many door prizes, chair massages, a raffle, and give-aways to nurture your nursing soul!

GulfVAN is paying the honorarium for Wayne Teipen and Mike Serle and we need your support! Please join us on May 20th, 2023.

Thank you!

*Parking: there is a paved parking lot at the People's Development Institute that is FREE :) (no need to go in TGH's parking garage) We will put out blue balloons on the day of the event.

Breakfast at 0730-0800: bagels, pastries, Chick-Fil-A, coffee, OJ

Lunch: Wright's Gourmet House Deli

Dessert, drinks, and snacks provided

Evaluations and CEUs will be provided electronically

Copyright 2013 GulfVAN

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